November, 13

Digital identity – types, approaches, lessons learned

We take a deep dive into typologies and use cases of digital indentity,

and lessons learned from Estonia’s, – one of the most digital countries – own journey.

November, 13

Tigray War : After the Cessation of Hostilities, What Next ?

About last week’s cessation of hostilities between the Ethiopian government and leaders from Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region,

and whether it can end what has been a horrific war.

November, 13

A Realist’s Guide to Russia’s War in Ukraine

Realist perspectives on Russian objectives.

November, 13

Originalism and the Supreme Court

Constitutionalist court watchers, judges, and scholars are now engaged in an intense debate over how to apply originalism and textualism in practice.

November, 13

Reining in China’s Dominance of the International Telecommunication Union

How has China gained influence at the ITU,

and what type of agenda will they continue to pursue if the US and our allies do not step up our participation ?

November, 13

Space-Based Solar Power

From advanced geothermal to nuclear fusion, up-and-coming advancements may deliver a future of abundant, clean energy.


One of the most ambitious ideas is space-based solar:

orbiting solar panels that can beam energy to the Earth from space.

Is this a viable energy solution … or a sci-fi pipe dream?

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