What Happened to the Farm Law Movement ?
The prolonged farmers’ protests that unfolded in India in 2020-2021 undoubtedly represents the most significant and successful farmers’ movement in the country in recent decades.
The prolonged farmers’ protests that unfolded in India in 2020-2021 undoubtedly represents the most significant and successful farmers’ movement in the country in recent decades.
Dr. Elina Sinkkonen highlights the need for a new method of conceptualizing authoritarian regimes on their own terms,
by including variables like personalization, centralization, and state control over economic assets.
What is the net benefit of phasing out coal and replacing it with renewables?
$85 trillion, according to a new calculation.
Heat stress from climate change affects the economy,
so does it change the cost of issuing debt or the return on equities ?
Why institutions are precarious,
why policymakers should consider the consequences for inequality before they intervene
– but also why we should be optimistic about the long-term trends in equality.