January, 15

Gaming the System : How Wargames Shape Our Future

How wargaming can enhance Professional Military Education,

hone cognitive warfighting skills,

and broaden our understanding of future Operational Environment possibilities.

January, 15

Going Boldly : Military Thinking with Science Fiction

COL Jonathan Klug, Steve Leonard, Dr. Kathleen McInnis, and Maj. Gen. Mick Ryan discuss leadership, strategy, and conflict; the importance of storytelling; and the value of science fiction.

January, 15

Weaponizing Weather : The Global Security Threat

We explore the broad global security implications of climate change and manipulation;

their effects on Army and DoD readiness, operations, and mission requirements;

and potential approaches for mitigating and regulating these threats.

January, 15

Civil-Military Relations and Global Security Governance : Strategy, Hybrid Orders and the Case of Pakistan

A new light on the issue of global security governance,

especially its impact on civil-military relations and democratisation in hybrid orders.

January, 15

Reflections on Chinese Sexuality

What are the connections and tensions between China and the West in producing knowledge of sexuality ?

January, 15

Artificial Intelligence with Chinese Characteristics

A more accurate understanding of AI with Chinese characteristics is essential in order to inform the debate regarding what lessons can be learnt from China’s AI approach and how to respond to China’s rise as the AI leader,

if not a superpower.

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