Catching Cocaine Traffickers
Delve into the fascinating story of the international hit against narcos shipping cocaine to the EU, and discover how exactly law enforcement tackles these international drug gangs.
Delve into the fascinating story of the international hit against narcos shipping cocaine to the EU, and discover how exactly law enforcement tackles these international drug gangs.
EMOTET first emerged in 2014 and quickly became one of the most dangerous botnets of the last decade.
The so-called King of Malware, it rampaged across the world infecting computers through emails, incurring significant damage.
It seemed to be unstoppable until law enforcement, assisted by Europol, came up with an ingenious way of outsmarting the hackers.
Views on the main issues that are likely to be on the agenda at the conference that is being held on the 6-18 November in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
If hydrogen is to become a truly global-traded commodity, it needs to be transported over long transoceanic distances in an economical way.
However, unlike natural gas, shipping compressed or liquefied hydrogen over long distances is very inefficient and expensive.
How should we tackle aviation emissions?
Two different regulatory schemes – the EU’s Emission Trading System (ETS) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) – are trying to provide an answer.
How a high-quality supply of carbon credits, coupled with high-integrity corporate demand, can channel private capital to nature-based climate solutions such as forest conservation and mangrove restoration.
However, implementing these solutions at scale will require $100 trillion of investment by 2050.