May, 30

What’s next for digital public services in Estonia ?

With Luukas Ilves, freshly appointed Chief Information Officer of the Government of Estonia.

May, 30

Web3 — Technology of Control or Freedom ?

Early adopters in the Web3 space see this new iteration of the Web as liberating, an innovation that will decentralize power, facilitate peer-to-peer transactions, enable individual data ownership and challenge the dominance of tech giants.


There are many questions about the governance of Web3 and its impacts to society that regulators, still stuck on platform content moderation, are not yet looking at.

May, 30

Peace through School Choice

Public schooling, by forcing people with diverse values and needs to fund a single system of government schools, inevitably produces conflict.


Such conflict has reached a fever pitch over the last several years, with Americans battling over critical race theory, LGBTQ issues, COVID-19 masking, and more.

May, 30

Against the ‘Vetocracy’

There are too many points at which agents of the state may veto new enterprises or exchanges.


How should lawmakers approach the problem with an eye toward expanding liberty ?

May, 29

Biden Administration Revives ‘Slush Fund’ Federal Settlements

When you’re fined by the feds, the public treasury should get the money.


But a practice common during the Obama years has been revived by President Biden:


Allow companies to settle for less if they agree to fund pet causes of the administration.

May, 29

Policy Hurdles in the Fight against Aging

How the FDA characterizes aging plays a large role in how the agency looks at drugs to mitigate or reverse the aging process.

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