December, 28

The moligopoly scenario

There are many anti-Big Tech activists and politicians who want to heavily regulate or dismantle companies like Amazon, Google, Apple, and Facebook.


They fear that these companies have become too big and too powerful, often even referring to these companies as ‘monopolies.’



But maybe this isn’t a fair characterization.


Perhaps these Big Tech companies need to offer far more value to consumers than monopolies typically do, because they are all in competition with each other.

December, 25

Democratisation in Belarus

– Vytis JURKONIS, Lecturer at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University.

– Anaïs MARIN, Researcher with the University of Warsaw.

– Ioulia SHUKAN, Assistant Professor, University Paris Nanterre.

– Emilija PUNDZIUTE, Research Fellow at the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania.