January, 28

Europol and UK-EU security co-operation

Camino Mortera-Martinez talks to Rob Wainwright about the work of Europol on counter-terrorism and migration, the future of his agency and the effects of Brexit on UK-EU security co-operation.


> Center for European Reform 


January, 27

Inauguration Security

To get a sense of what that security effort looks like, Stratfor Chief Security Officer Fred Burton joins the Stratfor Talks podcast to share his experience having worked on security details for past presidential inaugurations.


Then in the second part of the podcast, Stratfor Vice President of Strategic Analysis Rodger Baker and Senior Analyst Sim Tack discuss military options to address North Korea’s nuclear program and what the implications of a military strike would be.


Stratfor Talks Episode 22

January, 22

China’s nascent strategy for a new global order

What does China really want with its foreign policy? Is there a grand strategy for Xi Jinping’s new multilateralism?  And is China’s „One Belt, One Road“ initiative maybe less about geopolitics and more of an encounter with the complex realities in some of the most unstable countries in the world? Former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd has met Xi Jinping several times and last week shared his observations with MERICS.


The experienced diplomat, politician and fluent Mandarin speaker gave a lecture at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and talked to MERICS Director Sebastian Heilmann.
