The World’s Radio Station

October, 02

Russia’s Campaign in Africa

Maseh Zarif talks with his ISW colleagues Nataliya Bugayova and Darina Regio about what Russia is up to in Africa.


They discuss Russia’s coordinated campaign to gain economic and political influence, and its attempt to create opportunities for expanding its military presence on the continent.


Nataliya and Darina also put this campaign in the context of U.S. interests, identifying why the United States should be concerned and what to look for in the coming months.

September, 23

How Chennai’s Water Got to Day Zero

One of South India’s biggest cities is almost out of water.


A year after Cape Town, South Africa had its own “Day Zero” crisis, the reservoirs in Chennai are nearly dry, leaving millions in this usually-wet coastal city wondering if they will have water to drink this summer.

September, 12

Climate and the Pacific

The recent Pacific Islands Forum turned from a ‘Pacific step up’ to a Pacific step back for Scott Morrison, as Australia held a hardline on coal and emissions cuts.


Former president of Kiribati, Anote Tong urged that Australia’s membership of the Pacific Island Forum to be reviewed, asking “How can you justify being part of a family and part of a group which you’re trying to destroy?”.

August, 27

Two Economic Crises (2008 & 2019)

Mohit Satyanand saw the 2008 crisis coming and put his money where his mouth was.


Now he says we’re in the middle of another crisis.

June, 25

A pretty good Tolkien movie; Public truths in the Gospel

On this episode, Bradley J. Birzer,  joins the podcast to talk about the movie Tolkien, explaining what the film got right about the life of British author J.R.R. Tolkien and what the film missed.


Afterwards, Bruce Ashford, talks about his new book, “The Gospel of our King”.

June, 17

Understanding the equality act; why Sweden is no Utopia

On this episode, we first cover the Equality Act, a bill recently passed the U.S. House of Representatives that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.


Keisha Russell joins the podcast to break down the basics of the bill and explain how the bill would threaten religious liberty.


Afterwards, Charlie Weimers joins the podcast to discuss “Sweden’s Dark Soul: The Unravelling of a Utopia”.
